How do I get my tracking link?
When you place an order for a book, you will receive two emails. The first email you can find by the title "Your Book Is Being Printed". It will inform you when your book is expected to ship, for example:
The second email goes by the title "Your Book Shipped!". It will let you know when your book is expected to be delivered to you and will include a tracking link, when possible:
Please note that the actual delivery date can vary depending on the your regions currier options. While we strive to provide accurate estimates, some couriers, such as Royal Mail, do not have trackable links, only reference IDs. Because of this we can only give an estimated delivery time.
The first print confirmation email is sent within 24h of your order, if you have not received it, please try searching for "Your Book Is Being Printed" in your inbox and spam folder.
However, if you can't locate any shipping information, please contact our customer support team at We're here to help ensure you receive your materials promptly.